Sunday, 26 January 2014

January 2014

I suddenly realised that we are almost at the end of January  and I am way behind with news, not that there is a great deal as January is the month when I catch up with writing the 'novel in progress.'

December is generally hectic as we all gear up towards Christmas, but Christmas 2013 I chose to go away to Malta for the holiday, to take a rest after  a busy schedule and enjoy some sunshine. The sunshine was missing, however, and the weather rather dull and wet which was a pity but we saw the sights of Malta and the hotel was delightful as was the food. A big disappointment was the island of Goa where the rain came down in torrents; I'm sure it's lovely in the summer. Coming back into Heathrow we realised that we had missed the worst of the storms in the UK and felt the difference in temperature -icy blasts as we  scurried into the terminal building.

I've kept indoors since then apart from going out to shop or visit family. I'm definitely a hot house flower and don't like the cold or the rain, but my excuse is that I must stay in and finish the novel and as some of the settings are in Switzerland and Italy in June, I am at least enjoying the summer weather and the wonderful Italian food in my imagination as the rain streams down my window pane. One of the perks of being an author is that we can travel the world without leaving home!