So what did you do on St Valentine's Day? Did you receive chocolates and flowers and protestations of enduring love and devotion. Well good for you!
I was curious to know the origins of St Valentine, but after some sli.ght research he remains an enigma. Several sources describe him as a Roman martyred for refusing to give up his Christian faith, others as a temple priest during the time of Claudius. He did exist however, as archeologists discovered a tomb and ancient church dedicated to him. It seems though that there were several Valentine's -- which means valour - and when relics were found in Rome in 1836, they were attributed to St Valentine and dedicated to young people especially those in love! So there you are.
What I did on Valentine's Day was dress in my heart shaped patterned dress and drive to Harrogate, at least my daughter Catherine did, we went through snow and then thick fog but eventually arrived safely at the Cairn Hotel where I had been invited to speak at the Yorkshire Post Literary Lunch. Two other authors also speaking were Lesley Pearse and Clive Aslett. It was a very pleasant afternoon and the sun came out briefly.It was a special day for me as the paperback edition of The Innkeeper's Daughter was launched that day and I am still travelling on the signing tour. And I have received flowers -- and cake -- from some of my lovely lovely readers which made me feel quite emotional.
I know I haven't mentioned January, and I didn't reallyt intend to as this month for me is the clearing up month, a time for finishing the very last edit of the work in progress or WIP as authors call it, and trying my hardest to keep warm without turning up the central heating and breaking the bank. Is it me, is my blood thinning, or has it really been very very cold and a very long winter?
This week I have several more local signings to do, then a trip to Scarborough Waterstone's on Saturday. The good news out of Scarborough is that last year's library lending list is just out and my book THE HARBOUR GIRL was the top loaned book in the Scarborough district. I think that coupled with Radio 4's Open Book and the East Riding libraries where I was named as one of the UK's top loaned authors I can give myself a small cheer!