Looking back at my May blog I read that we had glorious weather! Not so in June when we have had so much rain. However our spirits were not dampened and I confess that I spent much time glued to the TV watching the Jubilee events, getting up early to write and then taking the afternoon off to watch the ceremonies. I loved it all with perhaps the exception of the Pop concert. Perhaps the Queen felt the same, she too might have preferred watching from her own front room with her shoes off. What a stoic she is!
I have had a meeting with the Sewerby WI at the Nth Bridlington Library, yet another splendid Jubilee Tea Party in my old village of Leven where I met up with friends and acquaintances and ate sandwiches, home made scones with strawberries and cream and scrumptious cakes! The following day I gave a 'Master Class' on creative writing and it's simply great that so any people are interested in putting their imagination down on paper. Also this month my daughters and I presented the Peter Wood Memorial Prize to the second winner of the Holderness Art Show which is given in memory of my husband and their father. And not forgetting the Olympic Flame which came through Hull and Beverley and attracted thousands of people. This present week is The Harbour Girl Trail week in which every day I have visited local libraries to talk of the Trail and demonstrate it on the libraray computers. Tomorrow is the last one of the week at Hornsea library, and if we get the same enthusiasm there as in the other libraries, then I can truly say it has been a fabulous success. Next week there is one more event at the Hull Boulevard library, which is in the heart of Hessle Road, one of the two settings for the book, and the final one at the Hull Carnegie library on Sunday 5th August where I hope that two local historians, Dr Robb Robinson and Dr Alec Gill, will be joining me to talk of the shipping and fishing trade of the 19thc.